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Best Brain Healthy Foods That Can Help You to Improve Your Lifestyle


The brain is one of the most essential elements of the body and without a healthy brain, no one can perform even the basic activities of the day properly. A healthy brain and conscious brain are very important to understand, analyze and interpret the stimuli that occur every time. There are many exercises as well as foods that are considered brain-healthy foods that people can use to activate their brain for the sake of a good and healthy lifestyle.

Bad Impacts Of Artificial Supplements On Brain Health:

There are two kinds of supplements; one is protein supplements and the second is artificial supplements. Many people use artificial supplements. According to the researchers, protein supplements are not dangerous to use but artificial ones are way too dangerous to use in the long term for your brain health. Do many people ask how to protect your brain? So if you also have some kind of similar question, don’t use artificial supplements and try to use everything natural. 

When a person starts using artificial supplements, it produces a lot of energy and helps to perform powerful activities. In this way, the body starts showing the results very fast after using the artificial supplements and inspires the person to use them for the long term. Once the person starts using it for a long period, it starts affecting the body badly as well as the brain’s health. And when you stop using them, it can cause serious problems physically and more importantly your brain health.

That’s why being natural is the best way to improve your lifestyle, body, and all the brain health factors. So in this article, I’m going to answer the question “how to protect your brain” with some of the best natural brain healthy foods and meals. Use these foods and you’ll never complain about your brain health.

Home-Made Protein Shakes And Smoothies:

Home-made things are the best option to use for the sake of natural meals. You can use homemade smoothies and shakes to drink as they will show you instant results and helps you to improve your mental powers in the best natural way. They contain high calories, nutrients, and proteins.

If you can make the protein shakes at home, it will provide you with high quality and many types of flavors to use. Milk is one of the best options to use while making the shakes because milk has calcium and many other necessary nutrients that can help you to strengthen your brain cells. The shakes available in the outdoor shops and stalls have a rich amount of sugar and lack nutrients that’s why I am asking you to make them at home.

Here is a list of some frequently used recipes to make smoothies and shakes at home.

Banana Shake With Chocolate Flavor:

Banana shake is one of the best and most frequently used smoothies and it is considered the symbol of a rich lifestyle. If you want to make a banana shake first of all take 3 bananas and cut them into slices. Now add one glass of milk to the juicer machine and some little pieces of chocolate instead of sugar. Now start the juicer machine and within one minute your banana shake with chocolate flavor will be ready.

Dates And Nuts Shake:

Dates and nuts shake are considered the heaviest shake because it is full of nutrients and proteins. Cut the dates into pieces and put them in the juicer mixer grinder. Now add some nuts like almonds and walnuts to the mixer. After adding these dry fruits, now add one and a half cups of milk to the mixer and start grinding them. Within one minute the grinder grinds all the things with each other and your heavy protein brain healthy shake will be ready. This shake contains 600-800 calories with a lot of nutrients and other minerals.

Many other shakes will help you to strengthen your brain while enjoying your favorite flavors like berry shakes, chocolate hazelnut shakes, vanilla ice berry shakes, etc. now can make all these shakes at home by just adding your favorite flavors in the milk.

Nuts And Butter:

Nuts and nuts butter are considered one the best high-calorie meals as nuts and nuts butter contains a very high amount of calories and fatty acids which help to improve your brain health naturally. You can eat any kind of nuts like almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, brazil nuts, macadamias, pistachios, etc. all these nuts contain a rich amount of calories, protein, fiber, and other healthy fats.

According to the researchers, just a 1/4th cup of almonds contains 160-180 calories, 5-7 grams of protein, 3-5 grams of fiber, and 12-18 grams of other fatty acids and healthy fats.

Nuts butter is the best way to consume hundreds of calories in no time. There are many kinds of nuts butter like almond butter, peanut butter, etc. are easily available in the market. Also, you can make this butter at home. Take two or three pieces of bread and add some nuts putter on them. It will help you to consume a rich amount of calories and proteins in just one meal. You can add this butter to yogurt or shakes also to make them healthier and heavier.

Most people use the banana milkshake with peanut butter as it needs just three ingredients and provides you 250-280 calories.

Red Meats:

Red meat is a very good source of energy and proteins for the sake of brain health improvement as it contains dietary creatine which is considered the world’s best protein supplement for brain health.

There are two kinds of meats; one is lean meat and the other is a fatty meal. Both kinds of meats are good sources of proteins and are mentioned in the list of high-calorie healthy foods. Red meats are good sources of leucine, a fatty acid that helps in muscle building and weight gaining.


Milk is in use for decades as a healthy meal diet and drink. Milk provides calcium, protein, carbs, and many other essential nutrients to the body to gain weight and live a healthy life. Researchers said that you should start drinking milk while using other foods for brain health as it contains both whey and casein proteins. Milk helps us in strengthen the bones and most importantly the brain muscles that help us to analyze and memorize all-day activities. 

There are many other sources of proteins but the casein in milk helps a lot in improving the lifestyle by strengthening your brain muscles. One cup of milk contains almost 149 calories. So before going to the bed, it will be very helpful to drink milk. Milkshakes and smoothies are also some of the most delicious ways to add energy and proteins to your daily routine diet. If you are also searching for the answer to “how to protect your brain”, you should start drinking hot milk with 2 tablespoons of honey in it. It will give you the complete answer within days and you’ll find excellent improvements in interpreting, analyzing, and memorizing things in your healthy brain.

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